Pros and Cons of Dermal Fillers

Pros and Cons of Dermal Fillers

In this article we look at the pros and cons of dermal fillers, which are the factors worth considering before choosing to have them?

Dermal fillers reduce the appearance of fine facial lines and wrinkles to help look and feel more youthful and personable in both social and professional settings. By replenishing hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring component of our skin that diminishes over time due to sun exposure, environmental toxins, and the elements, dermal fillers not only make us look better but improve the health and quality of our skin.


Disadvantages of Dermal Fillers


1. The cost of dermal fillers can be high


Up first on the list is the price of dermal fillers. Though they do a great job at helping us look more youthful and attractive, they do come at a price, which can be prohibitively high for some patients.


2. Side effects such as bruising, bleeding, and swelling


Most dermal fillers use naturally-occurring components. They are fully biocompatible and produce no known long-term adverse effects. However, in the short term, dermal fillers can cause bleeding, bruising, and swelling at injection sites. To minimise these, we can suggest several preventatives and remedies, including ceasing certain medications and indirectly applying ice packs to the treatment area. On the whole, most patients find these effects very bearable, short-lived, and self-resolving.


3. Dermal fillers are not permanent


Most dermal fillers last between 6 and 18 months, with an excellent average lifespan being around 12 months. That is a long time to enjoy improvements to one’s complexion and appearance, but it isn’t permanent. To most patients, this is understandable as little else in life, particularly in diet, physique, and beauty, is permanent but requires constant attention.


4. Other Rare but Possible Cons to be Aware Of


The last disadvantages to dermal fillers are certainly worth mentioning but are extremely rare. A tiny percentage of patients may metabolise fillers much faster than others. Others may experience additional infrequent side effects, including rashes, the development of lumps under the skin, or the erroneous injection of filler into a blood vessel. Again, these are extremely rare if a qualified and experienced injector does dermal fillers.


Advantages of Dermal Fillers


1. Dermal fillers can you help you look younger and more rested


By smoothing out the lines and wrinkles and filling out the lips and cheeks, dermal fillers can help you look naturally more youthful and attractive per your definition of beauty.


2. Dermal fillers are impermanent


Something that fits into both the pros and cons of dermal fillers is that they don’t last forever. If you dislike your results or later wish to look different, dermal fillers’ effects can be reversed with another simple injection. Their impermanence also means you can adjust your results to perfection.


3. Pain is Minimal


Dermal fillers are injected into the dermis with thin surgical-grade needles. Pain is minimal, and the procedure can be made more comfortable using a topical anaesthetic applied before the dermal fillers are used. Many dermal fillers also have an anaesthetic in them.


4. Dermal fillers can help restore healthy collagen


As mentioned at the outset, our body’s natural reserves of hyaluronic acid (and its ability to replenish it) diminishes over time. Dermal fillers can stimulate further growth of additional healthy collagen, giving our skin a more youthful and healthy look.


5. Little to no recovery downtime is required


Dermal fillers are a non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment. Unlike other facial procedures, they require no downtime, and you can return to work and your social activities almost immediately.


6. Side effects are mild


The only side effects they will experience from dermal fillers are localised bruising, possible bleeding, and slight swelling for a vast majority of patients.


7. Dermal fillers can help us look young and beautiful


Carefully injected dermal fillers can make a face appear many years more youthful. They can plump up thinning lips, enhance and fill in shallow or worn areas of the face, decrease or remove wrinkles under our eyes, and reduce static wrinkles’ appearance. With a refreshed look and feel, dermal fillers give a boost to confidence and dopamine levels.


How Long do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Last

How Long do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Last

Anti-wrinkle injections are a quick and simple, non-surgical solution to facial wrinkles and fine lines. The injections weaken facial muscles causing them to relax, resulting in a smoother, fresher appearance. They are most commonly used to give a fresher appearance to the crows feet, forehead and frown, but can also improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to the lower face, e.g. smokers lines, neck bands and around the mouth.


The answer to the question of how long they last depends on a variety of things outlined below.


These treatments work their magic by targeting the muscles responsible for creating wrinkles and fine lines. They temporarily block nerve signals to these muscles, causing them to relax and smoothen out the skin’s surface.

However, this relaxation isn’t permanent due to the dynamic nature of our facial muscles and the natural breakdown of the injected substance over time.

Anti-wrinkle does gradually wear off as the body processes the toxin through its natural lymphatic system, and therefore the efficacy of the anti-wrinkle product gradually depletes.


That means top-up treatments are necessary.

So naturally you’ll want to know, how often will you need treatments?


It’s great to know that anti-wrinkle, comparatively speaking, is a long-lasting treatment. Patients typically savour the outcomes for a span of 3–6 months, a testament to the quality and efficacy of this injectable.

It’s important to bear in mind that individual experiences may vary, and this can also vary according to age, metabolism and the area being treated.

Some zones of the face are more active than others, and therefore the muscle being relaxed is more active and requires more units of anti-wrinkle, with more frequent refreshes.

This window considers individual variations in metabolism, the specific product used, and the treatment area.

Areas with more robust muscle activity, like the forehead, might see effects wear off sooner than areas with less muscle movement, like the cheeks.

Moreover, the temporary nature of these treatments is often seen as an advantage, as it allows clients to adjust and fine-tune their appearance as desired over time. Regular touch-ups within this timeframe can help maintain the desired look while adapting to any changes in skin and muscle behaviour.


Monitoring Symmetry after Anti-Wrinkle Injections


When is it best to review symmetry if you feel like you have some asymmetry after anti-wrinkle injections? This question is very easy to answer using science.

After a muscle relaxant is injected, typically the results start to show at 2-8 days, they then continue to increase up to 4 weeks after the treatment was performed. The results are then stable until approximately 8-10 weeks, and then movement starts again. At 12 weeks, movement is about 50% back to normal and at 16 weeks, movement is about 80% back to normal.

Before the 4 week (maximal effect) mark, there may be one side or area that kicks in earlier or stronger than the other. Reviewing the results in terms of symmetry, before the drug has reached its maximal effect, is not very useful. The drug needs to reach its maximal effect so that the symmetry can then be assessed and potentially treated. Treating asymmetry before 4 weeks after injections is not advised as the maximal effect hasn’t been reached, so injecting more product may lead to an increase in side effects like brow or lid droop. Patients can be very impatient, but practitioners need to be guided by the science.


Maintaining Your Anti-Wrinkle Injection Results


For a successful anti-wrinkle injection, the product should stay in the same position as where it was injected. For example if you have anti-wrinkle injections for forehead lines, the product should stay in the forehead area.

There are some general aftercare guidelines that are worth adhering to post treatment, to maximise the results and longevity of your anti-wrinkle injections and decrease the risk of the anti-wrinkle product moving south and causing drooping brows/eyelids or ending in a poor cosmetic result.

Here is what you should avoid:

  • Rubbing or massaging treated areas for 5 days. Gentle cleansing is fine,
  • Excessive alcohol consumption 24 hours before and after treatment,
  • Strenuous activity or intensive exercise for 24 hours after treatment,
  • Lying flat within 4 hours post treatment,
  • Bending forwards or downwards for an extended time, such as in yoga or Pilates movements,
  • Facial treatments including laser, peels, needling and waxing for one week post treatment.


  More Information about Anti-Wrinkle Injections

2024 Beauty Trends

2024 Beauty Trends: Your Guide to Natural Results

In 2024 we’re noticing a change in individual goals. We’re seeing a shift towards anti-ageing treatments on a natural scale.

Beautiful skin is the key.

Our patients are wanting a youthful, volumized appearance whilst still looking like themselves.

We’re seeing a very heavy focus on collagen stimulating treatments and individuals

starting to think about managing the ageing process from a younger age.

It’s All About Collagen

Collagen is a key structural element within the skin that is responsible for strength, structure and firmness of the skin. With the ageing process, the skin loses collagen sources which causes sagging, loss of elasticity and an increase in visible lines and wrinkles. Bioremodellers and biostimulators and energy based devices have been found to increase collagen production within the skin. Our aim is naturally lifted and hydrated skin.

More Information on BioRemodeller


Biostimulators work to produce natural volume to the skin, resulting in a more plump and youthful appearance to the skin. It’s a popular treatment for those who don’t want filler.

Biostimulators are ideal for those wanting natural skin tightening and to address volume loss.

It works by targeting collagen and elastin production and supporting facial structures. It achieves a more lifted appearance and tighter skin quality. Optimal results are achieved by completing 2-3 sessions every 6-8 weeks. Results last up to two years, however we recommend yearly maintenance.


At Home Collagen Stimulation

We recommend the power product, C-E Ferulic for maximal Collagen stimulation at home.

SkinCeuticals’ C E Ferulic is a high potency serum with a combination of powerful antioxidants to protect skin against atmospheric ageing. 15% pure vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), 1% vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), and 0.5% ferulic acid work in combination to protect against environmental damage and premature signs of ageing caused by free radical damage from UV rays, infrared radiation (IRA), and ozone pollution (O3).

In addition to the benefits of these powerful antioxidants, C E Ferulic can help fight the signs of ageing by improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and skin laxity that comes with age, while brightening complexion for more radiant looking skin.

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Tear Drop Breast Implants

Tear Drop Breast Implants

Tear drop breast implants are known for their precision design for the most natural look. In this article we will explore the intricacies of tear drop breast implants, including their unique characteristics, the surgical process, and the benefits they offer to women seeking a natural looking enhancement.

What Are Tear Drop Breast Implants

Anatomical or “tear-drop” shaped implants are breast prostheses (artificial objects added to the body) which are shaped to mimic the form of a breast. They are slim at the top and widen towards the bottom to mimic a breast-like shape. They are also referred to as “contour profile” breast implants or “shaped” breast implants.

The Surgical Process for Breast Implants

Choosing the right implant type is a decision that should not be taken lightly. The best way to make an informed decision is to consult an experienced plastic surgeon with a track record of successful breast implant surgery. During your initial consultation, a plastic surgeon will examine your natural breast anatomy, discuss your goals, and educate you on the benefits and risks of each implant type.

The process for breast augmentation with tear drop breast implants involves a detailed consultation between the patient and the surgeon to ensure that the desired size, shape, and projection align with the patients expectations.

Another crucial decision is the type of incision you want and where to place your implants. There are several techniques to choose from, including inframammary, peri-areolar, transaxillary, and transumbilical. The most common approach is the inframammary incision, which goes into the breast crease. There are two options for implant placement: over or under the muscle.

The surgical procedure itself is performed under general anaesthesia, with the surgeon making a discreet incision to create a ‘pocket’ for the implant. Unlike traditional round implants, tear drop implants require precise positioning to achieve the desired natural look that they’re known for. Surgeons sculpt this breast pocket to accommodate the specific shape of the tear drop implants.

The Benefits of Tear Drop Breast Implants

1. Natural Contour and Shape

One of the most important benefits of teardrop breast implants is their more natural-looking shape. Unlike round implants, which can give an overly rounded appearance to the breast, teardrop implants provide a more natural-looking slope. The teardrop shape of these implants mimics the natural breast shape better, especially for women with a smaller amount of breast tissue. The result is a more subtle and natural-looking breast augmentation in harmony with the rest of the body.

2. Reduced Risk of Rippling

Teardrop implants have a lower risk of palpability or rippling post-surgery. This is because teardrop implants have an anatomical shape that is fuller towards the bottom and tapered towards the top. The fuller bottom portion reduces the chance of rippling while giving a more natural appearance to the breast. Although round implants are a great option, they have a higher chance of palpability or rippling, making teardrop implants ideal for certain situations.

3. Longevity

Tear drop breast implants are known for their longevity. The cohesive gel filling retains its shape over time, and the teardrop design resists the gravitational forces that can lead to sagging.Tear drop implants avoid the slipping down of the breast tissue down the chest wall. This durability means that the more natural shape from tear drop implants minimises the need for frequent revisions.

Considerations for Tear Drop Breast Implants

While tear drop breast implants offer advantages, there are a couple of factors to consider:

1. Current Body and Breast Condition

Tear drop implants may not be suitable for those with pre-existing asymmetry or significant sagging. When considering teardrop implants, women should be aware that they are designed to mimic the natural shape of breasts with a wider and fuller bottom to a narrow and less projecting top. This design suits women with larger breasts who want a more natural look. However, the implant can sometimes appear unnatural and bulky for women with a petite frame, leading to complications like visible rippling or discomfort.

2. Post-Surgery Monitoring

Post-surgery, patients must monitor for any changes in the appearance or feel of the implants. While tear drop implants are designed for stability, occasional check-ups with the surgeon are essential to ensure the continued success of the augmentation.

The right breast implant choice is a personal matter that requires careful consideration and consultation with an experienced surgeon. Teardrop breast implants offer a natural look that can be highly customisable and provide a great option for those looking to enhance their breast shape. Nonetheless, it is important to understand the risks associated with all types of breast implants and to select a surgeon with impeccable credentials to help you achieve the desired outcome. By exploring your options and following postoperative instructions, you can feel confident in your decision and enjoy the benefits of your new look. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment!

What Size Breast Implants

What size implants should I get?

“What size breast implants should I get? – Finding Your Ideal Breast Size.

For many women, the decision to get a breast augmentation is a process that requires several different factors before reaching the final decision.

One such factor that is often quite difficult is choosing the right size for the implant — We know that breast size affects many aspects of a woman’s life, including her relationships, social interactions and overall physical well-being. The wrong size has the potential to throw your silhouette’s natural balance off entirely. In other words, proportion is key.

We want to make sure that patients of Mode Plastic Surgery have the resources and guidance to choose the perfect implant size!

Deciding to move forward with breast augmentation surgery is just the first step. When you meet with the surgeon, there are many other decisions you will need to make about the specific type of surgery, implant size calculation, and more.

Dr. Aggarwal has many years of experience and helps each patient create a personalised surgical plan to ensure optimal results for every surgery.

During your consultation, you have the opportunity to feel, see, and try on different sizes of breast implants. This breast augmentation with implant sizing consultation is designed to help you make your decision and communicate your expectations with the surgeon.

What factors help determine what size implants you should get?

Not all breast implants are the same. These enhancements are available in a range of sizes and styles, so every body type can be accommodated with a personalised approach to treatment

Here are some of the most important factors to consider and discuss with your surgeon before settling on what implant size to choose for your breast augmentation:

1. Breast Implant Volume

Surgeons measure implant sizing by cubic centimetres (CCs) instead of cup sizes. What a particular volume achieves for a patient varies from individual to individual, and one size certainly does not fit all.

  • In general one cup size is increase is considered to be around 150cc but this is highly variable between individuals. If you are smaller framed and with a smaller starting breast size, a volume of 150-200cc may produce a substantial increase in size, while this may not be the case if you are larger framed, or have a larger starting breast size.
  • The larger the implant, the more it will stretch the native breast tissue and skin, and more likely it is that it can descend or move out of position over time. Dr Aggarwal will also advise you during consultation what would ideally suit your chest shape and size, as it is important to respect the natural landmarks of the breast.
  • During consultation Dr Aggarwal will measure the ‘footprint’ of your breast – this means the width of each breast as well as certain measurements of the skin surface. There is an ideal width of breast implant for each patient based on these measurements, and Dr Aggarwal will guide you with respect to implant size selection based on these measurements.

2. Implant Profile

The profile of breast implants is the measurement in which the breast sticks out from the flat part of your chest. You can choose from different profiles depending on how “perky” you want them to be: v low (Mini), low (demi) , moderate (full) or high (corse).

Mini Profile: Implants with a low profile have a flatter appearance and minimal projection. They are a good fit for patients who have wider chests or those who want a subtle increase in size. Sometimes this has been referred to as a ‘mini’ breast augmentation.

Demi Profile: This sticks out a little more than the mini profile. This sizing can still create a very natural appearance and is often the most common requested profile for breast augmentation

Full Profile: If you want significant projection, then full profile implants are the ideal solution. This type of profile creates breasts that are prominent with a much more pronounced increase in breast size and shape.

Corse Profile: This implant has the maximum projection and fullness of the upper pole. They have the narrowest base and these are great for petite women with a narrow chest and little breast tissue as this type of implant can help patients go up multiple cup sizes for a natural, yet dramatic look.

3. Implant Diameter

The diameter measurement is the width of the base of the implant, which affects the breast outline and shape. Body type is a big consideration when choosing the ideal diameter because you need to get the correct width to create a breast that looks natural.

This will largely be guided by Dr Aggarwal after he takes clinical measurements, and will select implants that are narrower than the existing diameter of the breast so that the new implant is ‘hidden’ or ‘camouflaged’ under the existing breast platform. A diameter that is larger than the existing breast footprint will lead to the implant being visible, or looking artificial.

4. Lifestyle factors

For active women, athletes, or women with more physically demanding jobs, larger breast implants may not be ideal. It’s simple: the larger the breasts, the more tiresome and potentially painful it will be to carry the extra weight while working, running, lifting weights or playing a sport. It’s also important for you to think about what kinds of clothing you normally like to wear, and if those items will be compatible with larger breast implant sizes.

Augmentation will certainly affect how shirts, bras, swimsuit tops, and dresses fit, and additional procedures like lifts or reconstructions will affect things even further.

Breast Implants are not lifetime devices – most implants last between 10 – 20 years. It is recommended that they are checked regularly (yearly) especially after the 10 year mark – often a deterioration is detected on imaging, and if this is detected then it would be recommended to have the implants replaced.

While it’s easy to see how the breast implants will fit your current lifestyle and preferences, also remember that you will be wearing these same implants for many years. Do you think your implants will match your lifestyle in 5 or 10 years? Think about how your lifestyle might be changing between now and then.

If you are considering breast augmentation, but have many questions you would like to have answered in person by a qualified specialist plastic surgeon, don’t wait any longer. Get in touch with the team at Mode Plastic Surgery and schedule a consultation with Dr. Aggarwal..

FAQs: Clarifying Concerns About Breast Size

The thought of having to pick your ideal breast size can be overwhelming. After all, once they’re in, they’re here to stay. But rest assured, you’ll have support every step of the way. Dr. Aggarwal and his team are here to guide you, offering expert insights so you can move forward with confidence.

With that, here are some answers to our patients’ frequently asked questions about breast size and body proportions:

What is the ideal female breast size?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. However, one study suggests a 45:55 ratio is ideal. Meaning? 45% of the breast lies above the nipple, and the remaining 55% lies below.

Can your implants be too big?

Yes. Implants can be too big—not just aesthetically but medically. If your implants are too big, you can experience:

  • Overstretched skin
  • Stretch marks
  • Breast sagging
  • Implant displacement
  • Nipple numbness
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Implant complications
  • Capsular contracture
  • How do I choose my breast implant size and shape?
  • When picking implant shape and size, you’ll consider several factors like your body dimensions, preferences, and lifestyle.

Our advice?

  • Do your research, experiment with different sizers, and lean into your surgeon’s expertise.
  • Do breast implants look bigger over or under the muscle?
  • Breast implant placement has no impact on the actual size of your implants. It’s the visual effect and contour that varies. Your surgeon will help you determine which placement suits your needs and desired look.


Bio-Remodeller – Your Questions Answered

Bio Remodeller Questions Answered

Here are 20 common questions with brief answers related to bio-remodelling treatment:

1. What is bio-remodelling treatment?
Bio-remodelling treatment is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that stimulates collagen production to rejuvenate and improve skin texture.

2. How does bio-remodelling work?
Bio-remodelling typically involves injecting substances like hyaluronic acid or polynucleotides to boost collagen and elastin production in the skin, leading to a more youthful appearance.

3. Who is a suitable candidate for bio-remodelling treatment?
Bio-remodelling is ideal for individuals with mild to moderate skin aging signs, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity.

4. Is bio-remodelling painful?
Discomfort is minimal during the procedure and we use numbing agents to minimise any pain.

5. How long does a bio-remodelling session take?
A typical session can last from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the area treated.

6. Are there any side effects of bio-remodelling treatment?
Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling, and bruising, which usually resolve within a few days.

7. How soon will I see results from bio-remodelling treatment?
Results are usually gradual, becoming noticeable within a few weeks, with full effects visible after several months.

8. How long do the effects of bio-remodelling last?
The results can last anywhere from 12 to 18 months, but individual responses may vary.

9. Can bio-remodelling be combined with other treatments?
Yes, it’s often used alongside other cosmetic treatments like dermal fillers or anti-wrinkle injections for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

10. Are there any restrictions or aftercare following bio-remodelling treatment?
Patients are generally advised to avoid sun exposure, strenuous exercise, and certain medications for a specified period post-treatment.

11. Is there downtime associated with bio-remodelling?
Downtime is minimal, and most people can resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure.

12. Are there any cases where bio-remodelling treatment is not recommended?
Pregnant or nursing women, individuals with autoimmune diseases, and those with a history of severe allergies should avoid bio-remodelling.

13. Is bio-remodelling treatment safe?
When administered by a qualified and experienced practitioner, bio-remodelling is generally safe with minimal risks.

14. How much does bio-remodelling treatment cost?
The cost varies based on factors like the type of treatment, the treated area, and geographical location. It’s usually more affordable than surgical options.

15. Can I go back to work immediately after bio-remodelling treatment?
Yes, most individuals can return to work and daily activities right after the procedure due to minimal downtime.

16. Is bio-remodelling effective for all skin types?
Bio-remodelling can be effective for various skin types, but it’s essential to consult with a professional to determine its suitability for your specific needs.

17. Can bio-remodelling treat acne scars or stretch marks?
Bio-remodelling can help improve the appearance of mild to moderate acne scars and stretch marks by promoting collagen production.

18. How many bio-remodelling sessions are typically required?
The number of sessions needed varies, but many people see significant improvement after one or two treatments.

19. Is there a recommended age for bio-remodelling treatment?
Bio-remodelling is often sought by individuals in their late 20s to early 50s, but suitability depends on an individual’s skin condition.

20. Can I wear makeup after bio-remodelling treatment?
It’s generally recommended to wait a few hours before applying makeup after the procedure, allowing the skin to recover. Your practitioner will provide specific guidelines.


More Information about Bio-Remodelling Treatment

Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy – Regaining Confidence and Wellness

Tummy Tuck after Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey for women, but it can also take a toll on your body. The miracle of childbirth brings with it numerous changes, both emotionally and physically. One of the most common physical changes women experience after pregnancy is a significant alteration in the appearance of their abdomen.

While many women embrace these changes as a testament to motherhood, others may seek to restore their pre-pregnancy physique through surgical procedures like a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why some women consider a tummy tuck after pregnancy and how Medicare can help with the cost.


Understanding the Impact of Pregnancy on the Abdomen

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey that involves a woman’s body adapting to accommodate your growing baby. As the baby develops, the uterus expands, causing the abdominal muscles and skin to stretch. While this is a natural process, it can lead to several physical changes in the abdominal area:

  1. Excess Skin and Stretch Marks: As the skin stretches to accommodate the growing fetus, it often loses elasticity, resulting in excess skin. Stretch marks, also known as striae, may appear as the skin is stretched beyond its limits.
  2. Muscle Separation: The abdominal muscles may separate along the midline during pregnancy which can lead to a protruding belly.
  3. Stubborn Fat Deposits: Some women find it challenging to shed post-pregnancy fat deposits, especially around the abdomen and love handle areas.
  4. Changes in Body Contour: The natural expansion and contraction of the abdominal region during pregnancy can lead to an altered body contour, which may impact your self confidence, and make you feel uncomfortable wearing certain types of clothing.


Considering a Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy

Women often embrace the physical changes that accompany motherhood as badges of honor, proudly wearing their “mom bodies.” However for some mum’s these changes can take a toll on self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being. It’s essential to understand that choosing to undergo a tummy tuck after pregnancy is a personal decision, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Here are some reasons why women may consider this procedure:

  1. Restoring Confidence: Pregnancy and childbirth can be transformative experiences, but they can also impact a woman’s self-confidence. A tummy tuck can help restore confidence by addressing physical concerns and helping women feel more like themselves.
  2. Improving Core Strength: The separation of abdominal muscles, can lead to a weakened core. A tummy tuck can involve repairing these muscles, potentially enhancing core strength and stability.
  3. Eliminating Excess Skin: Excess skin and stretch marks are common concerns after pregnancy. A tummy tuck can remove this excess skin, providing a smoother and more toned appearance to the abdomen.
  4. Enhancing Body Contour: For some women, regaining their pre-pregnancy body contour is a priority. A tummy tuck can help reshape the abdominal area, restoring a more youthful appearance.


Medicare Item 30177 and Tummy Tucks

This specific Medicare item pertains to abdominoplasty procedures and may provide financial assistance to eligible patients, making a tummy tuck more accessible to women who have experienced pregnancy-related changes in their bodies.

Here’s how Medicare Item 30177 works:

  1. Eligibility: To be eligible for a Medicare rebate for a tummy tuck, you must meet specific criteria, including documented evidence of medical necessity. In the context of tummy tucks after pregnancy, medical necessity may be established if the procedure is deemed essential for the patient’s physical and psychological well-being.
  2. Medical Assessment: A thorough medical assessment is crucial to determine whether a tummy tuck is medically necessary. This assessment may involve evaluations by healthcare professionals and consultations with plastic surgeons.

It’s essential to note that eligibility for Medicare Item 30177 varies based on individual circumstances and medical evaluations. Patients interested in exploring this option should consult with their healthcare providers and plastic surgeons to determine their eligibility and the potential benefits of the item.


So in Summary

Pregnancy is a unique and transformative journey, but it can leave lasting physical changes in its wake. While many women embrace these changes, others may choose to restore their pre-pregnancy physique through procedures like a tummy tuck. Medicare Item 30177 can play a crucial role in making tummy tucks more accessible to eligible patients, particularly when the procedure is deemed medically necessary for their physical and psychological well-being.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo a tummy tuck after pregnancy is a deeply personal one. It’s essential for women to consult with healthcare professionals and plastic surgeons, carefully considering their individual circumstances, goals, and medical evaluations before making a decision. Whether for physical restoration, improved confidence, or enhanced well-being, tummy tucks have provided many women with an opportunity to embrace their bodies and regain their self-assurance after the beautiful journey of pregnancy.


More Information about Tummy Tuck Surgery

How to Know if you Have Gynaecomastia – 10 Signs

How to Know if you have Gynaecomastia

Gynaecomastia, often playfully referred to as “man boobs,” is something that many Australian males face at some point in their lives.

Gynecomastia describes the condition in which a man has oversized breasts. This is a scientifically recognized condition that can be identified by several key characteristics and can be treated with surgery.

What causes gynecomastia?

An imbalance between estrogen and androgen hormones typically causes gynecomastia. Men’s bodies usually produce small amounts of estrogen, the hormone that controls breast growth. If your body produces too much estrogen, or you have low testosterone (hypogonadism), your breasts may enlarge.

Sometimes people with obesity develop enlarged breasts due to excess fatty tissue. This condition is known as pseudogynecomastia.
While it’s usually not a big health concern, knowing how to spot it early can help you manage it better.


Here we provide 10 tips for men who believe they may have gynaecomastia and what to do next.


1. Give Your Chest a Feel (How do you do a pinch test for gynecomastia?)

Self-examination: Start by gently touching your chest around the nipple area. Gynaecomastia often feels like a firm, rubbery lump beneath the nipple.
A gynecomastia pinch test is performed by pinching the deep tissue under the nipple in the male breasts. Gynecomastia breast tissue feels like firm tissue but the excess fat is soft and spongy. The gynecomastia pinch test is a gynecomastia physical exam to diagnose gynecomastia from excess fat or pseudogynecomastia.
However, a more accurate gynecomastia diagnosis is performed by a plastic surgeon to evaluate the breast size and its contents.

Compare sides: Check if one side seems different from the other. It’s common for gynaecomastia to affect one breast more than the other.


2. Do Your Nipples Feel Sensitive (Does gynecomastia hurt when you touch it?)

Men who experience gynecomastia can have breast pain and discomfort. This is true for men who have glandular gynecomastia and not pseudogynecomastia. Gynecomastia or manboobs caused by fat build up is not painful.


3. Nipple Watch

Nipple prominence: Puffy Nipples differ from Classic Gynecomastia in that the nipple and areola are cone shaped causing the areola to appear “Puffy”. On an ideal chest, the areola is even with the surrounding chest skin. When there is a case of “Puffy Nipples”, the areola projects outward. This is especially true in warmer or hot temperatures. Many men routinely complain that their nipples are too visible in thin clothing during hot weather.


4. Emotional Check-In

Gynecomastia can have a profound effect on mental health and self-esteem. Many men feel embarrassed or ashamed of their condition, leading to feelings of insecurity or low self-worth. This may lead to depression or anxiety, which can further exacerbate existing mental health issues.

In addition, men with gynecomastia often experience social isolation due to embarrassment about their appearance. They may avoid social situations or refrain from engaging in activities they once enjoyed due to fear of judgement from others. This can lead to loneliness and a decreased quality of life.


5. Hormonal Rollercoaster

Other hormone-related issues: Keep an eye out for other signs of hormonal imbalance, like fatigue, mood swings, or changes in your interest in things you usually enjoy. These can sometimes come alongside gynaecomastia.


6. Age Matters

Teen years: Some breast enlargement is common in boys while they are going through puberty. It is a normal part of growing up. However, some boys find this hard to deal with and can be upset and embarrassed. Boys who are overweight are more likely to develop gynaecomastia, as cells that store fat can also make estrogens. Breast tissues are sensitive to estrogen in boys (as it is in girls). Even small amounts of estrogen can cause breast development. Although for most boys gynaecomastia is part of normal puberty it is important to exclude some medical conditions that are known to cause this. Gynaecomastia may not be easily noticeable. If the boy is overweight, it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether it is breast or fat tissue. In this case pressing the area around the nipple with thumb and forefinger may confirm a circle of rubbery or firm breast tissue.

As you get older: Male testosterone production drops one to two percent each year after age 30, leaving less testosterone available to balance out his estrogen (every man possesses low levels of estrogen to regulate sperm production, bone density, and mood) as he ages. Testosterone can convert into estrogen in the body—therefore, in essence, you are left with higher estrogen levels in your body, and estrogen is the hormone responsible for breast growth. A dip in testosterone also contributes to weight gain, and added fat stimulates the body to produce more estrogen. Make sure to monitor any breast changes as you grow up.


7. Watch Out for Risk Factors

Gynecomastia can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalance, certain medications, and medical conditions such as liver disease or kidney failure. Other risk factors include obesity, use of anabolic steroids, anti-androgens, certain antidepressants or other drugs, excessive alcohol consumption. If you’re taking any, keep an eye on your chest. Avoid using anabolic steroids or recreational drugs because they can up your gynaecomastia risk.


8. Stay Active and Eat Right

Keep it healthy: Staying active releases endorphins. Endorphins keep your stress levels at bay and give you a surge of confidence. Endorphins also help you feel happy, which is vital to enjoying “bikini season” when you have gynecomastia. In other words, whether you’re playing volleyball or swimming, make sure you stay active. Exercising may also reduce your breast size.
A well-balanced diet can reduce the symptoms of gynecomastia. A poorly-balanced diet adds excess weight to our bodies in general. The extra weight can go to your chest, making your enlarged breasts more pronounced and droopy.


9. Family Clues

Genetics at play: If gynaecomastia runs in your family, you might be more prone to it. So, make sure to stay vigilant about your chest for any changes.


10. Talk to an expert

Seek medical advice: If you spot any of the signs mentioned or if you’re just worried about your chest, don’t hesitate to reach out to a healthcare pro.

Get checked: A doctor can do a thorough check-up, review your medical history, and even order some tests if needed to confirm if it’s gynaecomastia and rule out other issues.


Before & After Gynaecomastia Surgery

This patient of Dr Aggarwal had mild gynaecomastia which he was very self conscious about. This before and after result is shown 3 months after surgery which included liposuction and direct gland excision through a concealed scar around the nipple. The aim of surgery is to allow this patient to have the confidence to take his shirt off when swimming or at the beach, with scars that are difficult to see.

10 Signs you have Gynaecomastia

Gynaecomastia is something that plenty of Australian men face. While it’s usually not a big deal, knowing how to spot it early can make it easier to deal with. If you think you might have gynaecomastia or notice any of the signs we talked about, have a chat with a healthcare pro. Getting the right advice early on can help you manage it well and keep your peace of mind about your health.

Remember, you’re not alone in this, and there are solutions available to help you handle it.

Get in touch with the team at Mode Plastic Surgery discuss your options for gynaecomastia surgery.

Consultation Room for Rent

Consultation Room for Rent

Mode Plastic Surgery have a consultation room to rent.

Welcome to our modern clinic in Gordon! We are delighted to offer you a wonderful opportunity to rent our spacious and well-equipped consultation room.

Conveniently situated near the bustling intersection of the Pacific Highway and Ryde Road, our clinic enjoys a central location that is easily accessible for both patients and practitioners. With its prime position, it’s a convenient location for your professional visibility and success.

We understand that flexibility is essential when it comes to finding the right space for your needs. That’s why we offer flexible availability options, allowing you to rent the consultation room at a time that suits you best. Whether you prefer short-term arrangements or long-term commitments, we are more than happy to discuss and accommodate your specific requirements.

Our clinic’s consultation room is thoughtfully designed to provide a welcoming and comfortable environment for both you and your clients. It boasts modern furnishings, state-of-the-art equipment, and ample natural light, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere.

If you’re interested in learning more about our consultation room or wish to discuss availability and rental options, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our friendly team is eagerly awaiting your call and will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic and helping you thrive in your professional endeavors.

  • Medically fully equipped
  • Option to share our friendly and professional reception staff
  • General office hours at 9am – 5pm but this is flexible
  • On-site parking for you and patients/guests
  • Staff room with fully functional kitchen
  • In office bathrooms.

Consultation Room for Rent


Our Location



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Breast Reconstruction - Implant or Diep Flap

Sydney Breast Reconstruction – Implant or DIEP flap – North Shore Plastic Surgeon

Breast reconstruction is a procedure that is carried out to restore breast shape and replace breast tissue that is lost during a mastectomy or lumpectomy.

The aim is to achieve an excellent shape, volume and symmetry so that a patient feels feminine, regains their confidence, and as much as possible has less of a reminder of the cancer treatment they had to undergo. The goal is to create breasts that look symmetrical, close to the original appearance and shape, and as natural as possible.

Whether or not a breast reconstruction is performed depends on several factors: your personal decision, your physical condition and the treatment you have had for the breast cancer including previous radiation. It is important that you understand every option available for breast reconstruction.

Having the right information as a starting point for a full and frank discussion with your surgeon can help you in the journey to reconstruction.

It is important that you consider the risks and the benefits of each procedure, in order to reach a decision that is beneficial for your medical prognosis, your physical and mental health, and your personal circumstances.

While cost should not be your primary driver, different procedures have different costs. You should discuss in detail with your surgeon the different techniques and implants available, and their respective pros and cons, as well as the options that are covered by your health insurance.


The benefits of breast reconstruction

Different reasons may motivate you to decide for or against reconstruction. The benefits of a reconstructed breast may include:

  • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
  • A way to cope with breast cancer
  • An improved symmetry of your breast
  • Avoiding the choice between external prostheses or a flat chest


Disadvantages of breast reconstruction

There are several disadvantages and problems that may occur with breast reconstruction that need to be taken into account before making a decision to go ahead:

  • Not all breast reconstruction procedures are a total success, and the result might not look like you expected. Breast reconstruction for example is a lot more challenging post radiation.
  • Additional corrective surgeries may be necessary and the revision rate is higher than in augmentation breast surgery
  • Surgery will leave scars on your breast and, in case of autologous reconstruction, in any areas tissue was taken from to create your new breast
  • A reconstructed breast may not feel the same as a natural breast (however own tissue reconstruction comes very close)
  • In order to achieve symmetry between the reconstructed breast and the healthy one, reduction/lift or enlargement of the latter may be necessary


The length of time you’ll spend in a hospital after surgery depends on what kind of breast reconstruction you choose.


You have two broad options:

Implant Breast Reconstruction Sydney

Implant surgery typically takes place after a mastectomy is performed to remove the breast tumour and surrounding tissue. In a few patients the final implants may be able to be used at the time of mastectomy, whilst in others a temporary device called an expander is used which is then changed over to a permanent silicone prosthesis at a second surgery. Those who have implant surgery are usually discharged after 3 to 5 days, but there is usually a need for drains post mastectomy and reconstruction which may still be in place on discharge.


DIEP flap or Free Flap Reconstruction Sydney

A free flap reconstruction is a little bit more complex of an operation than the implant surgery is. With this procedure, the tissue is taken from other parts of your body, like the abdomen. Patients are usually discharged seven days after the procedure.

While free flap reconstruction surgeries may be more complex, they are nothing to be afraid of, especially at Mode Plastic Surgery. Dr Aggarwal specialise in this type of breast reconstruction and has performed numerous DIEP free flap reconstructions for our patients. These can provide patients with a look of having had a tummy tuck, and using the tissue in the abdomen to reconstruct a breast that looks (and feels!) very natural.

Both reconstructive surgeries have their pros and cons, so it’s important to talk with your surgeon about which option is best for you.

Many of the questions we hear are about recovery. Women want to know how long the surgery will affect their daily routine. If you are researching breast reconstruction surgery, here are common questions we hear.


When can I have sex?

You shouldn’t have sex for at least one or two weeks after surgery. You’ll want to give your body some time to recover. After that, you can have sex whenever you feel physically and emotionally ready. It’s normal to feel nervous, unsure, or self-conscious in the beginning.


Will breast reconstruction change my risk of cancer recurrence?

No. Studies have shown that breast reconstruction does not change the risk of breast cancer recurrence either in the breast or in other locations in the body. Breast reconstruction also does not delay a diagnosis of breast cancer recurrence or change its treatment.

There is always some risk that your cancer could return, though. It could come back in the same area as your original cancer (local recurrence), in the nearby lymph nodes (regional recurrence), or in farther-away areas (distant recurrence). The good news is there are many strategies that can reduce your risk of a breast cancer recurrence. A few of these include:

  • hormone therapy
  • chemotherapy
  • radiation therapy
  • targeted therapy
  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • exercising
  • eating a healthy diet

Usually, your breast surgeon in conjunction with other members of the team such as medical or radiation oncologists will determine the best course of treatment for you. They will usually also ask you to see them long term for ongoing cancer surveillance.


How will I feel in six months? In a year? Five years?

Every woman’s breast reconstruction experience is unique. Right after surgery, you may have tenderness, numbness, and twinges of pain. These sensations usually come and go, and often decrease within the first few months after surgery. However, some may last months, even one year or longer. This is because the nerves are the slowest part of your body to heal.

As you continue to heal, you may feel scar tissue begin to form, which will feel hard. This is common and will most likely soften over the next several months. It takes at least one year, sometimes longer, for all your tissue to fully heal and your scars to fade. You may go through a period of emotional adjustment, too. If you have any concerns about your physical or emotional health during your recovery, Mode Plastic Surgery Team is here for you and has a variety of resources to help you.


When can I drive again?

Many women can drive two to three weeks after surgery. Depending on your reconstruction, you’ll probably be on a narcotic pain reliever for the first week after surgery. If you’ve had flap reconstruction, you may need this medicine for a few days more than if you’ve had tissue expanders or implants. Don’t drive while you take this type of medicine, which can make you drowsy. Also, don’t drive until:

  • your drain(s) have been removed
  • you have recovered your full range of motion
  • you can comfortably turn the steering wheel

If you have questions about when it’s safe for you to drive, talk with your surgeon.


When will I feel less exhausted?

Fatigue is common after breast cancer surgery. After all, your body has been through a lot. Be patient with yourself as you recover, but also tell your doctor if you’re concerned about your fatigue. It may be normal, or it may be a sign of underlying factors, such as depression, insomnia, or anaemia.


When can I pick up my kids?

This depends on the type of reconstruction you’ve had. Regardless of surgery type, you shouldn’t lift anything heavier than five kilograms — including your kids — until your doctor says it’s safe. This is usually about six weeks for people who have tissue-transfer reconstruction and four to six weeks for people who have surgery with tissue expanders or implants. If you can, plan ahead for childcare for young kids.


When can I exercise?

You’ll need to avoid strenuous activities, such as jogging and tennis, until your doctor tells you it’s safe. Your physical therapist will give you written instructions on what exercises and movements you can do while your incisions are healing. Talk with your doctor or nurse before starting any exercises outside these prescribed moves. If you’re having discomfort, you may find it helpful to take some pain medication 30 minutes before starting exercise.


If I have restrictions that limit physical activity, can I obtain a letter to suspend my gym membership?

Yes. If you’ve had reconstruction, our office can provide you with this letter for the duration of your recovery or restriction period. If you have not had reconstruction, contact your breast surgeon’s office.


Who removes my drains?

If you’ve had any type of reconstruction, our plastic surgery nurse usually removes the drains when they meet the criteria to come out. You do not need to see your plastic surgeon for drain removal although they will usually regularly review you and be responsible for making the decision as to whether a drain is ready to come out.


Whose office should I follow up with to schedule my routine mammogram?

Your breast surgeon should schedule your routine mammograms.


When should I schedule a breast reconstruction surgery consultation to discuss next steps?

If you are considering breast reconstruction, but have many questions you would like to have answered in person by a board-certified plastic surgeon, don’t wait any longer. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Aggarwal today and schedule a consultation.



If you are considering breast reconstruction you should book in a consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon who specialises in breast reconstruction. You will get a chance to be evaluated, discuss the options that suit you, and have your questions answered. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Aggarwal today .