Face Lift & Neck Lift Sydney

Face and Neck Lift Sydney

A face lift or neck lift is the epitome of facial rejuvenation procedures that both men and women ask for because it is the best procedure that reverses the signs of ageing of the face and neck region.

A face and neck lift can:

  • Define the jaw line and reduce ‘jowls’
  • Reduce or soften wrinkles on the lower face
  • Reducing loose skin on the lower face
  • Add fullness to the cheeks
  • Provide definition to the neck
  • Reduce loose skin and fat of the neck
  • Reduce bands in the neck
  • Provide a more refreshed, youthful appearance

Women and men seek face lift and neck lift surgery to

  • Feel more refreshed and look more youthful
  • Feel confident
  • Remove skin and fat in the neck that cannot be addressed through other means

Dr Aggarwal strongly believes in a natural facial appearance – the ‘ideal’ facelift allows a patient to look more refreshed, and younger without looking like they have had an operation. In other words you do want people to notice that something has changed (i.e. you look younger and refreshed) without knowing what you have had. This is our goal at Mode in providing you with the ideal facial rejuvenation.

There is no ideal age for facelift and depends on the individual – people generally range from their 40s to 70s. The results of a facelift probably last longer in younger individuals, and depend on skin quality and thickness of their underlying tissues.


The best candidates for face lift or neck lift are men and women who:

  • Are physically and mentally healthy
  • Are of a healthy weight
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Are non-smokers

Face and Neck lift surgery may not be suitable for men and women who:

  • Are very overweight or obese (BMI >35)
  • Have multiple medical problems
  • Are on blood thinning medication
  • Are actively smoking
  • Have unrealistic expectations

Our facelift patients are some of the most satisfied patients as results can be fantastic.

Some patients chose to combine face lift and neck lift surgery with:

  • Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) – Upper or Lower
  • Brow lift surgery
  • Facial fat grafting
  • Non-surgical treatments such as fillers whilst under anaesthetic.
Dr Aggarwal

Dr Aggarwal

Dr Aggarwal is a well regarded, respected, highly skilled and experienced Specialist Plastic Surgeon. Graduating at the top of his class throughout his training, Dr Aggarwal has completed fellowship training at some of the world’s most prestigious reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery institutions in Canada and the USA. He continues to publish research is prestigious plastic surgery journals, and is actively involved in the training of future plastic surgeons.

What sets Dr Aggarwal apart from others is his personal, affable and warm nature. Not only does he pay attention to detail, to producing natural, beautiful results but he ensures that the patient’s journey is just as special as their outcome. Dr Aggarwal looks after patients at one of Sydney’s most prestigious public hospital campuses (POWH/SCH/RHW), and operates privately on Sydney’s North Shore. Dr Aggarwal has treated thousands of patients throughout Sydney and beyond who have achieved outstanding results under his care.

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Procedure Snapshot

  • Anaesthetic: GA by accredited anaesthetist
  • Time: 3-5 hours
  • Duration of stay: Overnight night stay in hospital
  • Hospital: Usually Hunters Hill Private or SAN Day Surgery.
  • Medicare/Health fund rebate: Unfortunately there are no rebates for cosmetic surgery.
  • Recovery: After staying overnight, you go home the next day with a facial garment. Most people are socially acceptable by end of the first 1 week, and may return to desk type work after 2 weeks. Light exercise can commence at 4 weeks.
  • Results: One of the most satisfying procedures for patients but it is important to note that results vary from patient to patient.
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Cosmetic Concerns

I am concerned regarding the scars of a facelift – will people know?
  • The art of a beautiful facelift is inconspicuous scars combined with a result that looks natural and beautiful without looking like you have had an operation.

  • The scar of a facelift runs usually within the hairline or just below it at the front, just behind the tragus (cartilage at the front of the ear), and then around the ear lobe, behind the ear and into the hairline.
  • When healed it is difficult to spot the scar of a facelift, but the scar behind the ear may be visible if you wear your hair up.
I have had a previous facelift or neck lift. Is it possible to have another?
  • A well performed face or neck lift is generally permanent. Meaning it makes you look 5 to 10 years younger but as you age tissues will relax and age also.
  • Some patients request a repeat face lift or neck lift to restore contours or address specific concerns – more often this can be when they have been dissatisfied with results of a previous face or neck lift.
  • It is certainly possible to perform repeat face and neck lift surgery. However the type of facelift you may have had can vary from current techniques, and the scarring under the facial skin can be unpredictable from previous surgery.
  • In a re-do face or neck lift procedure it is important to remain conservative in order to avoid the risk of injury to important nerves in the face.
  • Dr Aggarwal at Mode will explain to you what is achievable allowing you to have a safe, predictable result.
I have a lot of fat in my neck – can this be removed during a face and neck lift?
  • Yes.
  • Neck liposuction is often performed in a neck lift procedure often at the start of the procedure.
  • This removes the extra fat in the neck as well as defines the safe plane for surgery.
  • Some extra fat in the neck below the chin can be below the platysma muscle and requires a small incision to directly remove fat in this area.
I have banding in my neck
  • These bands represent the edge of a rectangular muscle under the skin called the platysma muscle.
  • Treatment of these bands depends on whether the bands are present at rest or only when you perform certain movements of your face.
  • Mild to moderate banding at rest can usually be addressed through the usual face and neck lift incision as the underlying layers including the platysma muscle is tightened.
  • Moderate to severe banding at rest may need an incision just under the chin through which the muscles can be tightened in the midline (this is the same incision through which fat under the muscle can also be directly removed).
  • If the banding only occurs on animation, it will be softened through the tightening of the muscles, and may also be addressed through injections of Botox.
I have a lot of extra skin in my neck
  • A moderate amount of extra skin can be removed through the usual face and neck lift incision.
  • A small amount of patients with very severe skin excess, sometimes referred to as a ‘turkey gobbler neck’ have too much skin, which will not be corrected through the traditional incision.
  • These patients may require direct removal of skin in the midline of the neck. However this is rare, and Dr Aggarwal tries to avoid visible scarring wherever possible.
I don’t want to have an operated look
  • There are several hallmarks of an operated face which Dr Aggarwal tries to avoid during surgery. The subtlety of good facelift surgery is to make the face have a refreshed, youthful appearance without anyone knowing you have had a facelift.
  • The tell-tale signs of a facelift can include:
    • “Wind swept look” – when the face is tightened and pulled back excessively. It can also create the appearance of widened lips which look very artificial. Dr Aggarwal pays careful attention to the vectors of the skin pull during facelift surgery attempting to preserve a natural appearance
    • Visible scars – Dr Aggarwal prefers in women to carry the incision into the hairline wherever possible and behind the tragus of the ear. This produces the most inconspicuous scars. In men the scar is placed in front of the tragus in an effort to avoid bearded skin being pulled back on to the tragus.
    • Pulled tragus – If the tension is not set correctly, the tragus of the ear (which is the cartilage just in front of the ear canal) is pulled forward to produce an artificial appearance. This means that on a side view your ear canal is visible which is not normal. Dr Aggarwal is careful to set the tension behind the ear so that the tragus does not change in appearance.
    • Pixie ear – a pull on the ear lobe can create a very awkward shape to the ear lobe that is a tell-tale sign of a facelift. Dr Aggarwal is careful to set the tension of a facelift behind the ear and preserve extra skin around the ear lobe. This often means that initially the ear lobe and it surrounding area has loose skin, which settles when the tension relaxes in the first 4-6 weeks.

Procedure Information

The procedure is always performed under general anaesthesia given by an accredited anaesthetist in a fully accredited and licensed facility (usually one of the North Shore’s premier private hospitals). The procedure takes three to five hours and most patients will spend 1 night in hospital.

  • The art of a beautiful facelift is inconspicuous scars combined with a result that looks natural and beautiful without looking like you have had an operation.

  • The scar of a facelift runs usually within the hairline or just below it at the front, just behind the tragus (cartilage at the front of the ear), and then around the ear lobe, behind the ear and into the hairline.
The Procedure
  • The skin flaps are dissected sufficiently to correct face and neck skin laxity, as well as the jowls.
  • The underlying tissues called the SMAS, is partially elevated, pulled and tightened using absorbable sutures
  • The facial nerve runs in a plane just deep to the SMAS layer. Dr Aggarwal takes great effort to avoid these nerves in a facelift, but these can still be in danger especially in repeat facelift surgery.
  • In general Dr Aggarwal avoids drains in face and neck lift surgery.
  • The exceptions are
    • Patients who show a greater tendency to bleed during surgery. This can be more common in men who because of their bearded area have more vascularity to their skin flaps.
  • In the rare scenario that a drain is used it is removed the next day along with the dressings placed overnight.
After your face and neck lift surgery
  • Dr Aggarwal will place dressings over the incisions. wrap your face and head for compression overnight.
  • You will be given adequate pain relief and be asked to keep your head elevated overnight.
  • The next morning Dr Aggarwal will see you to remove your dressings and place you in a facial garment. You will be given instructions on how to remove and replace the garment and how long to wear this for.
  • You will be able to get all areas wet after 48 hours. However you will not be allowed to swim in a pool or beach for at least 2 weeks after surgery or until all incisions have healed.
  • You will be given a script for antibiotics by Dr Aggarwal which you must continue for 1 week. You will also be given appropriate pain relief medications.
  • When you go home it is best to have someone look after you as you recover.
  • While most sedentary activities can be resumed when you go home, you must lay low and not exert yourself. You should refrain from driving for the first 1 week. Most people are socially acceptable at 1 week and return to work at 2 weeks. You will also not be allowed to do any heavy exercise for the first 6 weeks.
  • Dr Aggarwal will see regularly after your discharge from hospital.

Risks & Complications

Every surgery carries risks, and therefore one must consider if risks outweigh the benefits for your own personal situation. If they do then the surgery may be well worth it. Dr Aggarwal will discuss the pros and cons of surgery with you during your consultation.

General Complications
  • Risks of anaesthetic – there are general risks of going under an anaesthetic such as a mild stress on the heart and lungs, risk of reaction to anaesthetic drugs and risk of blotting in the legs. These risks are generally low in patients who are otherwise fit and healthy.
  • Bleeding (1-2%) – any bleeding is controlled during surgery however unexpected bleeding can occur in the immediate postoperative period. If this occurs it will necessitate a return to theatre to control the bleeding.
  • Infection (<1%) – this is very rare. However you are given antibiotics during induction (when you are going to sleep), as well as a course of oral antibiotics after your surgery to keep this risk to a minimum.
Specific Complications
  • Poor Wound Healing (5%) – The skin flaps in face and neck lift surgery are thin, which are then placed under tension to achieve the desired result. Most of the tension is placed behind the ear and this is where if any wound healing issues occur, tend to be located. Most heal with simple wound care, and heal without issue though can result in a partially widened scar.
  • Facial nerve weakness (neuropraxia) – Dr Aggarwal is careful to stay away from the important nerves of the face, however these nerves can be at risk if previous surgery has been performed where scarring can result in unpredictable planes. It is rare to divide nerves completely however nerves can be bruised (neuropraxia) and can take weeks and sometimes months to recover. The most common nerve weakness is the marginal mandibular nerve which supplies the lower lip.
  • Greater auricular nerve injury – This nerves supplies sensation to lower half of the ear. The nerve is located close to the skin surface and is often seen during face and neck lift. This nerve is at risk particularly during repeat facelift surgery where there may be unpredictable scarring.
  • Change in sensation – it is common to have some numbness just in front of the scar on both sides. However this recovers in the first few weeks after surgery.
  • Asymmetrical scars – There can be a difference in how each side of the face and neck behave to surgery and skin tension, and can produce an asymmetry to the scars, albeit the aim is to get them as symmetrical as possible.
  • Hypertrophic or poor scars – How one’s body behaves to scarring is individual and largely genetic. Some types of skin are more prone to hypertrophic or keloid scarring, and some individuals and families are more prone to this. We will routinely advise you on how to improve the quality of scars over time. You should also discuss any history of abnormal scarring with Dr Aggarwal preoperatively.


Do I need a referral for a face or neck lift?
  • It is not necessary to obtain a referral for face or neck lift as this procedure attracts no Medicare or health fund rebate.
  • However if you do obtain a referral it is possible to claim a Medicare rebate of approximately $73 for the initial consultation
Where can I see Dr Aggarwal?
  • You can see us at our main practice at Gordon, or at our other locations at Hornsby, Hunters Hill or Camperdown.
  • Please scroll to the bottom of the page to find out more information about these locations.
Where will I have my operation?
  • Any of the hospitals where Dr Aggarwal works – but more commonly at Hunters Hill Private or SAN Day Surgery
What can I do to prepare for surgery?
  • Cease fish oil, and other supplements such as Ginkgo, Ginseng.
  • Please discuss with Dr Aggarwal if you are on blood thinning medications as to when you should stop and recommence those.
  • Stop smoking well in advance of surgery – Dr Aggarwal does not offer face and neck lift surgery to patients who are actively smoking.
After surgery, will I need to wear a special surgical garment?
  • Yes you will be required to wear a facial chin strap to reduce swelling and bruising. You will be given instructions on how often and for how long to wear this garment.
Will I be able to exercise after surgery?
  • You can do some light exercise at 4 weeks and heavier exercise at 6 weeks.
Will I need special medications after surgery?
  • Dr Aggarwal will provide you with the necessary scripts for antibiotics and pain relief.
  • You will also be given some ointment to smear on your facial sutures.
Will I need further surgery?
  • No.
Can I travel in an airplane after surgery?
  • Yes
  • However we always encourage patients not to be away overseas shortly after having a procedure, so that we can closely follow your recovery and address any concerns that may arise.
When will I be able to swim after a face and neck lift?
  • You can swim in a pool or beach after 2-3 weeks once all wounds have healed.
When will I be able to drive after a face and neck lift?
  • It is best to not drive for the first 1-2 weeks after face and neck lift surgery mainly to avoid sharp movements of the neck which can trigger bleeding, bruising and increased swelling.
Do you offer local anaesthetic or sedation for face and neck lift?
  • No, patients will require a general anaesthetic in an accredited private hospital.
  • Patients also need to stay in hospital overnight for observation, and pain control. Dr Aggarwal discharges patients the next day after removing the bulk of dressings and changing over to a facial garment.
Will face and neck lift change the sensation of my facial skin?
  • Yes it can.
  • The facial and neck skin that is elevated and pulled tight can be numb initially and therefore we instruct patients not to apply any special creams or ointments (unless instructed) in the early stages of healing.
  • This gradually recovers over weeks to months.
Are there any alternatives to face and neck lift?
  • Thread lifts are promoted by some physicians as a cheap way of achieving the same result as facelifts. We would strongly caution potential patients against this for several reasons:
    • They are performed blindly by non-plastic surgeons unfamiliar with anatomy of the underlying tissues : the facial skin and the underlying SMAS layer is quite thin meaning that the facial nerve which runs just underneath these 2 layers can be at risk during this procedure
    • Threads do not achieve long lasting results – they often give as the suture dissolves sometimes lasting just a few weeks
    • The barbed suture used can get infected and the barbs make it virtually impossible to remove the suture material without causing significant scarring.
  • Neck liposuction – can achieve good reduction of fat in the neck. This is often used in conjunction with a neck and face lift to achieve the appropriate jaw contours. However it can also be used in isolation in patients who may not necessarily need or want skin excision.
  • Non-surgical facial rejuvenation options – face and neck rejuvenation can be multimodal and often different techniques need to be combined to achieve the maximum improvement
    • Botox – can be used to improve wrinkles of the face that occur with movement. This is particularly useful for the frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and crows feet.
    • Fillers – fillers can be used to add volume and definition to areas of the face such as the cheek bones, tear troughs and around the mouth.
    • Chemical peels and fractional laser – can improve fine lines and wrinkles to the whole face and improve skin quality
    • Belkyra injections – can be used to dissolve neck fat (submental fat)
  • Read about our non-surgical treatments in that section of the website.
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Procedure Pricing

  • A quote for this procedure will be provided to you after a consultation with Dr. Aggarwal. You can also call or email our office for our current indicative pricing.
    • Surgical fees
    • Hospital theatre fees (including overnight stay)
    • Anaesthetist fees
    • Follow up
    • Facial garment
    • GST
  • Please note that there is no rebate for cosmetic surgery from Medicare or health funds.
  • Please note that the above prices do not include
    • Preoperative consultation fees
    • Re-do facelift surgery
    • Hospital fees for procedures longer than 5 hours, or more than a 1 night stay (both will incur extra hospital fees)
    • Other procedures such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), brow lift, or rhinoplasty.
Face and Neck Lift Sydney

Why choose us?

Highly skilled
Highly Skilled

Know you are in the safest of hands with a Plastic Surgeon who is experienced, highly respected, and appointed at premier Sydney hospitals- including Sydney Adventist, Hunters Hill Private, POWH and RHW.


If sedation or general anaesthetic is required, it is delivered by an accredited anaesthetist


Have your surgery at premier, accredited Sydney private hospitals.

Upfront Costs
Upfront Costs

We provide written quotes, so there are no surprises.

Patient Cares
Patient Care

We will always make you our top priority. Need to ask a question? Whether its before or after your surgery, we will always be at your beck and call.

Real Reviews
Real Reviews

Our patients love us! Feel free to read our reviews online on independent websites, or you can speak to some of our existing patients who will gladly speak about their plastic surgery journey.

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