PRP Hair Loss Treatment

What is PRP hair treatment?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are a popular new and non-surgical method of hair loss treatment and hair restoration for women and men. What PRP does is use your own blood supply in a way that only the enriched cells that contain various types of proteins remain. During PRP injection treatment, a standard blood draw occurs. The blood is spun in a centrifuge in which the highly concentrated PRP is separated from the other components of the blood (such as red blood cells).

This platelet-rich plasma, which contains helpful white blood cells and platelets rich in growth factors, can then be injected into areas of the scalp that are experiencing hair loss, extreme hair shedding, or thinning hair. Our nurse applies a topical anesthetic to the scalp an hour before the procedure, to minimize any minor discomfort from the injections. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes from the time your blood is drawn until the PRP is injected into your scalp, and no downtime is required post-treatment.


What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma is a concentration of platelets that is 3x the normal blood value, and contains many growth factors that stimulate hair follicles and can safely be performed up to every month, based on how much hair growth is required. PRP is a great solution for hair loss in both men and women, especially when hair transplant surgery is not an option. PRP injections can stimulate new hair growth in men who suffer from androgenetic alopecia (known as male pattern baldness) and women who suffer from female pattern baldness.


What are the benefits of PRP therapy?

The Platelets in the PRP contain proteins that are needed in order to promote the rate of tissue healing and regeneration within inactive hair follicles. Inside these platelets are a variety of intracellular structures such as glycogen (a form of glucose), lysosomes (which break down the proteins), and alpha granules (which contain clotting and growth factors that get released during the cell repair process). Platelet-rich plasma-derived growth factors can also play a part in stem cell differentiation within the wound healing process of the musculoskeletal system.

PRP is a very modern procedure that has been used elsewhere as a method of healing injuries. It is often also used as a cosmetic treatment for the face too, and of course as a popular hair procedure for men and women.


Do PRP injections work for hair loss?

In multiple studies through the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, patients suffering from hair loss were found to benefit from PRP injections. The PRP hair restoration treatment led to a significant local increase in hair number, extended growth phase, and improved hair thickness.  The science behind PRP uses proven benefits of PRP to naturally promote new cellular growth. PRP is directly involved in regenerative healing within the body.  PRP growth factors can thus influence hair growth and can in fact restore hair follicles, in turn improving the look and feel of a patient’s hair.


How does PRP hair restoration work?

PRP hair rejuvenation treatment involves the injection of platelets into the area of the body in which hair loss is occurring, for example the crown of the head. Platelets are taken from the patients own body via a blood draw that occurs at the start of the appointment. After the blood has been drawn, it is placed in a centrifuge, which is a machine that separates the platelet-rich plasma from the red blood cells. When isolated, the platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the treatment area. The platelets release growth factors, which stimulates the dermal papilla cells that are crucial in the hair growth process. For that reason, a series of PRP injections help to trigger hair regrowth to restore lost hair.


How many PRP treatments are needed?

Though of course the number of PRP treatments varies depending on the hair condition and aesthetic goals of the individual patient, a typical patient will do three sessions of PRP therapy. Further treatments will be evaluated at the end of the fourth month (after the third PRP treatment).The sessions are typically spaced 4-6 weeks apart. PRP treatments can also be used in tandem with hair transplantation to help accelerate hair growth.


Does PRP hair treatment work for frontal hair loss?

In recent studies in the journals Dermatologic Surgery and International Journal of Women’s Dermatology, PRP has been indicated as an effective treatment for hair loss. This hair growth and improvement has been demonstrated with patients who experience both androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata, which is defined as unpredictable hair loss in patches all over the scalp. Based on these significant studies, as well as those in Journal of Cosmetic DermatologyAesthetic Plastic Surgery, and Men’s Journal, PRP is considered an effective treatment for hair loss throughout the scalp.


How much is PRP hair treatment?

Costs vary based on your need. Typically, PRP procedures are once a month for an average of three sessions, and the price is dependent on the amount of injections needed to cover the areas of the scalp that are demonstrating hair loss. This cost can also range per treatment.


What to expect after PRP hair treatment?

There is minimal downtime necessary following the PRP treatment and patients can quickly return to their regularly scheduled activities. There are certain activities that we recommend avoiding in the day or days following the treatment in order to ensure that the healing process goes as planned. First,  avoid washing your hair on the day of the treatment, though you can use shampoo on your hair the following day as normal. Second, do not exercise on the day following the treatment though you can resume regular exercise the next day. Finally, avoid alcohol and smoking for at least two days after the procedure.


How long to see results from PRP hair loss treatment?

Of course, any results will vary depending on the nature of hair loss and desired results of each patient. However, the majority of patients see initial improved hair thickness and hair growth several weeks after treatment. Optimal results from PRP injections are apparent, on average, about 5-6 months after treatment.


How Long Does PRP last for hair loss?

This varies per patient too, but typically patients will engage with maintenance treatments if they respond well to the initial PRP treatment plan.


Is PRP hair treatment permanent?

PRP treatment can be repeated as necessary depending on the patient’s response to treatment. We recommend that patients return every 3-4 months for another series of injections or even once a year. The permanence of the treatment also depends on the condition that is being treated. For example, if a patient is suffering from telogen effluvium, PRP treatment can help in the hair regrowth process, which occurs over 3-6 months. After that, most patients will not need any further treatment if the condition has subsided.


Are there any potential side effects to PRP Treatment?

PRP has been used to restore skin and tissue in patients for several years. However, the hair restoration procedure is relatively new. Within the published studies that have reported improvement in hair growth, recovery from all procedures is easily tolerated. Common side effects include mild soreness and/or discomfort at the injection sites. Additionally, patients who are currently on any kind of blood thinner cannot undergo PRP treatment.


Does PRP hair treatment hurt?

PRP hair treatment involves the injection of Platelet-rich plasma into the scalp where the hair loss is occurring. Prior to the injections, our nurse can apply a topical numbing cream to minimize any potential discomfort during the treatment itself. Following the procedure, patients may experience soreness, redness, or bruising at the injection site but these side effects are generally common and mild and will go away on their own shortly following the treatment.


Can PRP stop hair loss?

Platelet-rich plasma therapy works to trigger and maintain natural hair growth by strengthening the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. As such, in addition to promoting hair growth, the treatment helps stop future hair loss from occurring in the treatment area. Multiple treatments may be required in order to see optimal results.


Can PRP regrow hair?

PRP Treatment can be very helpful in the hair regrowth process. The injections of PRP into the treatment area can lead to an elongated hair growth phase and thickening of the hair shaft for thick, dense hair. For patients who have experienced hair loss as a result of conditions such as androgenic alopecia, telogen effluvium, or alopecia areata, PRP treatment can help to strengthen hair and promote further growth during the regrow process.


Am I a Candidate for PRP Hair Treatment?

A good candidate for PRP hair restoration is a patient who is showing signs of thinning hair or hair loss. Typically, candidates who have experienced hair loss more recently, or who are dealing with early hair loss, respond best to PRP hair treatment. Those with hair follicles that have been dormant for longer on the scalp are less likely to be improved by PRP therapy. It’s good to note that if you are diagnosed with a underlying disorder such as lupus or thyroid disease, you are unlikely to benefit form PRP injections, as these conditions will continue to worsen hair loss over time. Additionally, patients should not take blood thinners during PRP hair restoration treatment, as the procedure will be significantly less effective.

21 Common Questions About a Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a surgical procedure that removes the extra skin and fat of the abdomen and repairs the paired six-pack muscles that may have separated after childbirth, weight gain, or aging. After a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), patients enjoy a flat abdominal contour and a stronger core.

If you are considering tummy tuck abdominoplasty surgery, you undoubtedly have questions. Below are the answers to the most common questions people have about tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery.

1. Am I a Good Candidate For This Procedure?

In general, you may be a good candidate if you have excess fat and loose skin following pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or the effects of aging. It is best if women are done having children before considering this procedure. Both men and women should have achieved stable weight (maintained weight loss for at least 3 months) before tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery. You should also be in overall good health with any chronic conditions well managed.

2. What Does a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Involve?

During a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), the surgeon will make an incision along your lower abdomen and carefully shape and sculpt the area by removing extra skin and fat. If the abdominal muscles have separated, they will be repaired and sewn back together.  This improves the fullness that was present in this area and also helps to strengthen and support the core and lower back. A second incision is made around the belly button – this is because the skin in the upper abdomen is pulled down, tightened and the loose skin removed, the belly button is sutured into a new opening once this has been done. The surgeon will make an effort to make it look as natural as possible.

3. Can I Have a Mini-Tummy Tuck (Mini Abdominoplasty) Instead of Full Abdominoplasty?

There are two main types of abdominoplasty: partial abdominoplasty (“mini-tummy tuck”) and complete abdominoplasty. Some patients initially want to undergo a mini-tummy tuck simply to avoid having a longer scar. This may not be possible based on your degree of abdominal sagging and fat deposits. In general the smaller the incision the less skin that is removed – therefore the amount of loose skin you have will determine which procedure is best for you.

True candidates for partial abdominoplasty are those rare individuals who only require surgery of the area below the navel. The procedure is not offered simply as a less-invasive alternative to complete abdominoplasty. Most patients are best treated with the complete abdominoplasty. Dr. Aggarwal will help you determine which procedure would best suit your needs.

4. Will liposuction work instead of a tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)?

If you have extra skin, the liposuction is minimally going to tighten that skin. It is not going to give you the same results as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). Furthermore, it doesn’t do anything for the muscle plication. So liposuction is simply for fat removal which works great for some people if they just have a small area of stubborn fat that they cannot shift with diet or exercise. It must also be remembered that liposuction is not a quick way to lose weight – one must have achieved stable weight even before undergoing liposuction. However if you’ve had children or if you have had significant weight loss then you probably need a tummy tuck to remove the loose skin and/or tighten muscles.

5. Will Tummy Tuck Surgery Help Me Lose Weight?

Tummy tuck surgery is not a weight loss procedure and should not be performed on people who are significantly overweight. While the surgery does remove localised fat from the abdomen, it is a body contouring procedure. This means that your shape will be slimmer, and your clothes will probably fit you better, but the surgery will not result in significant weight loss.

6. Does a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) remove fat?

Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery removes excess skin and fat from the midsection of the body. To ensure that the maximum amount of excess skin is available for removal, it is crucial that you’re at your goal weight before surgery. This will also help your Plastic Surgeon achieve optimal, long-lasting results. If required, your Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure can include liposuction to assist in the removal of stubborn fat and enhance the overall result of your waistline contour transformation

7. Will I Have Visible Scars?

Yes, you will have some scarring, but it typically fades over time and becomes less noticeable for the vast majority of patients. Keep in mind that it generally takes two years for scars to fully mature, so patience is a must.  The primary incision for the tummy tuck runs from one hip bone to the other, but it often follows the curve of the pubic region and is made low enough to be covered by underwear or a bikini bottom. The incision inside the belly button is carefully hidden made to blend in, especially if a new belly button opening is created.  Be sure that your surgeon takes the time to hide this incision rather than making one around the belly button, as these scars are impossible to hide and generally do not heal well.  Taping and tension reduction sutures may also minimize scarring. In addition, during a tummy tuck, it may be possible to remove stretch marks that are below the belly button depending on how much excess skin there is to remove. Stretch marks that are above the belly button are moved to a lower position on the abdomen.

8. How Long Does It Take To See Results?

You will likely be able to see results within three to four weeks after surgery once the majority of swelling has begun to diminish. Keep in mind that swelling will continue to resolve over the next several months, further refining the firmness, smoothness, and contour of your abdomen.

9. How Long Do Results Last?

As long as you maintain a stable weight and regular exercise, results can be long-term. Prior to getting surgery, you should ideally be within your target weight range.

10. What is the Recovery Process Like?

You will be sore for the first few days, but your surgeon will provide you with pain medication to help manage any discomfort. Wearing an abdominal binder for a few weeks helps to reduce fluid buildup and give support to the area as you heal. Since you just had major surgery on your abdomen, you should avoid any heavy lifting (including lifting small children) or other activities that may put a strain on your stomach muscles.

11. How Long Will I Need to Take Off Work After Surgery?

Many patients find that they are ready to return to work within about two to three weeks. This may vary based on the type of job that you have. You may need more time off or return to work on light or modified duty if you have a physically demanding position as opposed to a role where you can be more sedentary.

12. How soon can I exercise after a Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)?

In most cases, exercise can be reintroduced 8 to 12 weeks after surgery. This is, of course, provided you have healed enough for the style and types of exercise to be safe. As with all aspects of your recovery, your Surgeon will provide tailored advice on the timings that are right for you.

13. Can I Have Children After Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)?

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) should not affect a woman’s ability to enjoy a healthy pregnancy and carry a child to term. Many surgeons recommend that women wait until after completing their families to undergo a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). This is because some of the results of a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can be reversed by future pregnancies, as skin may be stretched out again and abdominal muscles can loosen. However, there are many examples of women who have had a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) before having more children that still feel perfectly happy with their results.

14. How painful is a Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)?

Most patients experience mild to moderate tightness and soreness for approximately 2 to 4 weeks post-surgery. It is important to note that everyone’s pain threshold is different, and not all Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) procedures involve the same techniques. Your Surgeon will discuss the complexity of your unique procedure with you ahead of time and provide personal advice on how best to manage your post-operative discomfort. Pain relief medication can be prescribed as required.

15. How is Pain Controlled? 

At Mode we pride ourselves in tummy tuck pain control which begins in the operating theatre. The anaesthetist will give you pain medication during surgery and Dr Aggarwal will do nerve blocks during surgery so you are comfortable when you wake up from surgery. In addition to this we utilise pain busters that infuse local anaesthetic after surgery for the first

16. How Much Does Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) Surgery Cost?

There is no standard price for the procedure and will depend on the complexity of the surgery and the amount of work that needs to be done, anaesthetic fees and whether or not you qualify for a Medicare item number. If you do qualify for a Medicare item number this will be discussed with you during your consultation and if you are in a health fund that covers that number it may significantly reduce your out of pocket costs. Your surgeon can give you a more accurate cost estimate after your consultation.

17. Is Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) Surgery Covered By Insurance?

If you have lost a lot of weight or you have muscle separation after pregnancy you may qualify for a Medicare item number. You will also need to be in a health fund that covers the appropriate number and this may reduce your out of pocket costS substantially.

More info can be found regarding this at:

18. Can I Combine Other Procedures With a Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)?

Depending on what type of results you are looking to achieve, you may be able to combine a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) with other procedures, such as liposuction or breast augmentation and/or breast lift, to address multiple areas of concern at once. This may prevent you from having to undergo several different surgeries and several periods of recuperation.

19. How Should I Prepare Before Surgery?

Prior to surgery, try to remain as healthy as possible and avoid getting sick. If you are a smoker, you will need to quit smoking or vaping with nicotine at least six to eight weeks before your surgery date and continue avoidance for at least that long afterward. All nicotine must be avoided, including nicotine patches, and gum. Smoking and nicotine can interfere with your recovery and will increase your risk of complications.

20. How Should I Prepare For After Surgery?

It is a good idea to have someone stay with you for the first one to three days after surgery. You should limit your activity and need to rest. Arrange for others to help with childcare, cooking, cleaning, and transportation until you are back on your feet. Gather everything you will need for the first few days of recovery, such as water, snacks, pillows, blankets, books, and other entertainment, and keep it close by wherever you will be staying.

21. Are There Any Risks of Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) Surgery?

As with any surgery, there are some basic risks associated with a tummy tuck, such as bruising, bleeding, and infection. Talk to your surgeon about what steps you can take to reduce the risk of complications and how any concerns or problems are handled.